Monday, December 10, 2007

What's homebase?

Normally in these situations, it would be the swingset or slide, however in the case of my campaign it'll be the run down, ransacked house of your noble ally. Without giving away too many spoilers (though she is present in nearly every screenshot for today), after the banquet you'll be put into a Crossroad Keep-esque rebuilding of a noble house. The scope is smaller as it's just one building, but a little better I think because I didn't include any cornball plot locked doors with the rooms already constructed so you can actually see the changes made to the house itself. Here's an example:

In seconds, with a few days worth of painstakingly placing, recording the tags, and scripting a few hundred placeables to be deleted and othes to spawn, a filthy craphole turns into a modest manor.

There are some more of more rooms in the screens gallery conveniently, and more importantly to me freely, located at photobucket.

I also got the companion swapping working, so you don't need to bring your clunkly plate wearing ally on stealth missions. I fear I may have screwed the pooch about a year ago when I first implemented companions for using the Sunken Flagon GUI method for swapping companions. I didn't really like that way anyway because you had to sit through two loading screens to do level ups and sort through inventories, so it's not all it's cracked up to be. Besides, I recently disabled auto levelling for companions when they're not in the party, so you don't need to worry about that either way! Actually, I'll see how that effects balance later so that might be switched back, but I think the tradeoff of keeping everyone powerful vs. using them when they're best suited and that the player will, over time, become the most powerful and therefore the hero is an interest dynamic.

In any case, that's what's been happening. Next up is a few cutscenes and some other fun previous actions and effects from them stuff dealing with that specific area and I'll be on to actually making the first quest I've done in probably about a month!

So, check back often and leave comments because I like to type things and it's better if I'm addressing them at a person instead of dead internet air.

1 comment:

Wyrin said...

Since I added an extra companion, I've been thinking about how to handle this - to cut down the party size and work in some kind of central base for the companions to hole up. Bit concerned it'd turn into a scripting nightmare tho, so been kinda ignoring the problem for now... but it's looming ominously

Manor looks cool, though i dread to think the number of placeables and exact positons/orientations you'd have to be playing with!