Thursday, March 27, 2008

You know when you hit that "remember me" check box it doesn't ever remember you?

Seriously, like every time I want to leave a comment or post a new post I need to sign in. The thing just doesn't remember you.

Alright, well anyway here's the latest screen shots:




These are from the Great Library I was talking about last time. I've since added scholar NPCs to sit around and a librabrian doing things in the area. But I've spent the greater part of this week typing out books to appear in the library. Basically they're NWN1 style conversations where you walk up to a bookshelf and click it, and choose to read a random book out of the shelf and you get a 3-7 line excerpt on the topic. Here's an example of what the type of stuff is in the books, probably my personal favorite, the entry on necromancy:

Necromancy is often misjudged! I swear to you, your honor! The prosecution demands me reveal the inner workings of my field for the layman, only to twist the words into more than they are.

I will admit, as I did when these charges were first brough before me, that I did indeed raise some zombies and a few skeletons for my own purposes.

But! But, it's been long determined, by this very court mind you, that the soul leaves the body the instant of death!

Therefore, how can I be defiling the bodies of the Jones family if those bodies I used gathered from the graveyard were no longer considered the Jones family?

I put it before this court that bodies in the graveyard are not property of any one person, but abandoned by their owners and property of the public for our own personal use!

Furthermore, these charges must be dropped as public property is, indeed, public, and...

So far I've got 11 of these "books" on various topics, with between 6-20 entries each with about 1000 to 4500 words each. So that's a lot of writing, and it doesn't feel like I got a whole lot done in the last few days for some reason. I'm going to do 4 more books for an even 15 and call it a day on all that, then move forward with the rest of the quest I built the library for.

I'm still undecided on the pick pocket system. Early in the poll it didn't seem to be important, then a bunch of google spiders came and voted up the I'll either end up doing something or feeling really bad about not doing it.

Somebody's going to get disappointed is all I know.


Ernie Noa said...

Nice screen shots. That must have taken a while, particularly the table.

The check box never works.

EC said...

Gorgeous library. You're courageous to take on all that book writing!

Anonymous said...

Ok that book entry was awesome DW, I got a kick out of it.


Anonymous said...

awesome screenies. And the argument about dead bodies! I got a kick out of it!

Keep up the great work!


dirtywick said...

Thanks everyone.

Jclef said...

Wow - I love that library. It looks very cozy.

And the excerpt...hahaha, I love it. I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here flipping through your custom books!