Thursday, April 3, 2008

Taxes, Sea Monkies, and Remember the Titans

Well for this post I have good news, bad news, an update, and something incredibly stupid and probably offensive.

So let's start with the stupid!

I don't know if you all have realized it by this point, perhaps some of you long time readers, but I'm a huge idiot. Therefore it should come as no surprise that I love this program because it lets me impersonate Stephen Hawking to friends and relatives over the phone. I also like to pretend to be the guy that got crippled in Remember the Titans, even though he didn't have a vocoder or whatever that thing is. I don't know why but that's been a running joke in my household for years ever since I found that program that will make your computer talk what you type and I say "Remember the Titans, always Remember the Titans!"

Well anyway, now for the update:

Click the link

Not much new there since I wrote that yesterday. I got all of the ambient NPCs, the key NPCs, a small shrine to Sharess in one of the houses (I've got a lot of shrines to various Gods around the city, if you worship that one you get a better blessing, if you have a similar alignment you get a blessing both of which are long duration buffs, if not nothing)(and where Sharess goes...), and all of the basic conversations done. I should be done with the quests relating to these areas over the next few days and a new build up for testing afterwards.

Kind of makes me question the decision about putting half finished stuff up for testing, though. I'll add two quests, both non-combat because I listen to the polls!, and it'll probably take an hour or two to finish them (shorter if you know where you're going, but part of the quest is to figure that out...since you're not fighting anything) and then it'll be another few weeks/month for the next batch. Should I have waited until it was all finished? I don't know, it's a massive project to test that much material and when game breakers happen it slows down everything, so it's nice in my opinion to test in pieces. But then people get sick of waiting or playing the same things over and over too...I don't know. That's life.

Well anyway, the bad news: I got in a huge fight with my wife over sea monkies. Basically she bought some for our daughter, I said they were stupid and just little pieces of crap that float in the water and not actually anything...the box came without a lid and the cat drank all the water in the little tank that came along...and well you know how women can be, somehow I'm the bad guy. But anyway, it raised an interesting question: Are sea monkies little pieces of crap?

The answer was, unfortunately, no. They are actually tiny brine shrimp, the same stuff whales eat. So my bad baby, I'll know you'll read this later. I told you I'd apologize if it turned out that they weren't little pieces of crap but actually alive and a public apology is better than a private one any day of the week!

Finally, the good news: I filed my tax return. You know, I used to think taxes are really, really stupid. You know what I'm saying, why don't they just take out what I owe and not make me go through these hoops and create all this extra work? Well it turns out that sometimes they give you a lot more money than what you paid in. With the government rapidly gaining debt as it is, I can't see how this is a good idea either, but I'm not going to turn down a bunch of free money so this year I became of fan of taxes.

In any case, because I got this gigantic ass return, I'm going to buy a new graphics card. So does anyone that reads this use a 8800 GTX? Any problems with NWN2? The last thing I want is to get a better card and have it be worse for the game I'm spending most of my time working with.

OK, that's all I've got.


Zach Holbrook said...

Congratulations on your tax return. I have to do mine still and I'm very afraid. I don't have a GTX but I do have an 8800 GTS and I've never had any trouble.

It's a shame about the sea monkeys, but seriously Dirtywick where have you been??!! Sea monkeys are as real as homeopathic medicine.

Anonymous said...

I can see the grins on your wife's face when she reads this!

Sea Monkeys. Never gave them much thought and knew about as much as you did on the subject.

Yay Taxes! and yes, they make no sense. pay x amount and get xxx amount back. That is with the contribution of having the ultimate deductions "kids" I am still running 2 7800 GTX's in SLI, so I'm no help there. :)

Happy building!!


Josh said...

I'm with Liso; never game em much thought. I probably would've said the same thing :D

Taxes typically don't make any sense, but its the government's way of interfering with the market to help maintain the economy, but we all know how well that's going. If you want to put the blame on someone, blame the real estate for the economy's current state. It basically overheated and here we are now. Runner up would probably be gas prices.

At least in Florida, unsure about anywhere else, there's an Economic Stimulus Plan. Basically gives $600 to every person filing. Not quite, but I'm not stating all of it.

PS: America almost went into a depression two weeks ago. A large bank not insured by the government almost collapsed (AKA Bank Runs). Of course the government further increased their 400 billion deficit by pulling them out of the rut.

Didn't make other banks happy.

That was significantly longer than I wanted it to be!

Raith Veldrin said...

Seamonkeys...I always gawked at them in the back of my old comic books, but never had the stones to order them. Good thing too, because I would have been really ticked when I realized they didn't sit at a little table and have dinner as portrayed.

As far as the voice emulation, I find it much more fun to evoke the Family Guy character:

"boom shaka laka laka laka laka laka laka laka laka laka laka........boom"

Anonymous said...

Why get the GTX? The new (512mb -- the 320/640mb ones are old) GTS is (much) cheaper and (mostly) faster.

dirtywick said...

I don't know. I read the GTX was better and it got more awards and such on newegg. Is it better you think?

Anonymous said...

GTX used to be better than anything for a long time, hence the awards. But unless you're playing at some crazy-high resolution, the new GTS is faster, cheaper, and uses less power and heat.

Make sure you get a new (G92-based) GTS, though, and not an old one. Some nice deals these days.

dirtywick said...

Thanks flem! I'll look into that.

Jazhara7 said...

Get the 8800 GT. It's basically the replacement of the GTS, and better than that one. The difference between the GTX and the GT is minimal at best, and at times the performance of the GT is even better.

As a friend put it, there's a reason why it's currently one of the most sought after graphics cards out there...of course, that might mean it might be difficult to find one. I am just happy I finally have mine.

(The comparison tests that show that sadly didn't try it with NWN 2, but if you take a look at the Oblivion one:,testberichte-239864-15.html

Wow. Just wow.

Sorry that the rest of the test is in German, by the way.)

And if I just babbled complete nonsense, I'm sorry. I admit I get very confused when selecting a graphics card, and am just passing on the advice I got when I asked for it.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

"Get the 8800 GT. It's basically the replacement of the GTS, and better than that one."

No, it's a replacement for the *old* GTS. I'm talking about the *new* GTS, which is a beefed-up GT (more shaders, higher clock, better cooler).

Confused? Yeah, blame Nvidia, which decided to name like every video card for years the 8800Gsomething. But get the new GTS anyway.

dirtywick said...

So flem, would you say that the best graphics card out there under $500 is the GTS?

Anonymous said...

I'd put it more like... It's the most expensive card that's worth the price differential.

You can get a factory-overclocked new GTS for $200 now (!!!). For $330-$340 you can either get the old 8800GTX, which is slightly faster at the very highest resolutions and textures, or the the just-released 9800GTX, which is basically an even-more-overclocked GTS, but with *fewer* texturing units -- so it's a bit faster all around, but not a huge amount.

Past that you get the two-GPU-on-one-card exotic solutions (3870x2 for $400 and 9800gx2 for $560) that are a lot faster in some things, but rely on Crossfire/SLI drivers and therefore don't work well with certain games. I'm not sure if NWN2 is one of those.

What resolution are you running?

dirtywick said...

Right now I run it at 1280x1024. I have a 2.2 ghz dual core and 2GB of ram and a 7600 [not sure what the letters are]. I get playable framerates with full shadows, AA off and basically everything that has to do with water off, but it gets choppy in large exteriors with a lot of objects (like my city exteriors)

Because of income credits and such I got a couple of grand more back than what I paid in (free money basically) so I wouldn't mind blowing a few hundred on the best graphics card out there, even if it's not the best deal. It's not like I'm losing anything.

I think with a better gfx card I'd be able to play comfortably at full graphics.

So what do you recommend?

Anonymous said...

At 12*10 the new GTS will be fine and beat the old GTX, though the new 9800GTX should be slightly faster.

I think the outdoor lag is also related to CPU limits, however -- lots of creatures = lots of scripts. For maximum performance increase I personally might get the GTS and scratch the rest of my "better performance" itch on rebuilding with a e8400 (~$200), P35 board (~$90), and 4 GB DDR2 (~$80). (From the vintage of your vidcard I assume your current setup is AMD and DDR?) That's a big jump in speed -- 3.0ghz, plus the 10-15% clock-for-clock advantage over AMD, plus with a ~$40 cooler you should be able to OC that thing up to around 3.6ghz without increasing the power at all.

But maybe that's too involved. ;)

dirtywick said...

haha yes my wife would probably kill me if I replaced all of my computer parts again.

So GTS it is. Sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

My son's rig runs a 8800GTX on full up settings, both NWN2 & Oblivion. The graphics are sweet. NWN mods look phenomenal now too. I've never checked the fps no need. Runs 3D CAD software like a dream. I wish I had his rig here at work...
my 2gp